Generations at Regency’s residents and activity staff are always excited about our cooking club. The club brings residents together around the table to cook, chat, and enjoy some delicious creations.
One of our recent cooking club meetings took place in our beautiful 1st floor dining room where we all rolled up our sleeves and got to work making lemon cake. Lemon cake is a favorite of many of the cooking club attendees and we even heard some stories about family lemon cake recipes that made us all the more excited to dig in and get to work.
Our activity staff did a wonderful job on instructing the cooking class, and each resident contributed to the process by measuring out and adding the ingredients, mixing and pouring the batter, and getting everything else just right. We had our very own bakery in full swing. “These are things the residents have done in their own kitchens”, Kay Hightower our activity director said. “Being able to enjoy that sense of home brings a lot of smiles to the residents.”
As the class progressed the activity staff and residents discussed the various elements of lemon cakes, the ingredients, and what makes a lemon cake so good. Having a good lemon cake recipe is, of course, the first important part. Adding just the right amount of ingredients, how it’s mixed, how it’s poured, are all essential parts of the process.
The cooking club also serves a therapeutic purpose for our residents. It offers an excellent opportunity for socializing and participating in a fun and rewarding group activity. It’s also a great place for exercise and rehabilitation as it helps residents stay active.
The final result was scrumptious!
Read more about our activities at Generations at Regency.